The story begins when Robin's cat Lentil dies and goes to the freezer for future taxidermy. Unfortunately Robin didn't see the letter about the power-cut and the poor feline defrosted, twice. Robin then goes on a nine year quest to turn a soggy moggy into a wildly unique memorial with a life and identity all of it's own.
L3NT1L is now a life coach and makes his long delayed debut at the world's leading comedy festival between August 2nd and 10th 2024, headlining a major venue for nine wild hour-long shows. The 16+ show is entirely spontaneous and includes a special show for neuro-diverse people on Tuesday 6th as well as a live stream on the last night. It's educational, inspirational, thoughtful and very silly. It asks how we should be remembered and proves that cats should never be underestimated, even if they are dead.
"A mashup of Heath Robinson, Frankenstein and everything in between" - Martin Rowson, The Guardian
"World Champion Crazy Cat Man" - Phil Hartnol, Orbital
"The only thing scarier than a cat is a robotic AI cat with a world domination plan" - Charles White, NASA